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Is hot water cylinder leaking or is it condensation?

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 2:08 pm
by Eponymous

I’ve just changed out a backup immersion heater on a copper vented cylinder.

I’ve leak tested around all the connections to the cylinder using blue paper towel which tends to stain orange with moisture.

After 24-48hrs of use not a trace of moisture.
However after a week or two I’ve noticed one or two very small spots/stains on the paper towel around the immersion heater and the coil inlet. The towel is bone-dry though.

Any ideas? Is this just condensation or could it be a bigger problem? I’m thinking I might need to replace the tank. I’m not sure how old it is. Tank is in the airing cupboard.


Re: Is hot water cylinder leaking or is it condensation?

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 10:48 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi eponymous,
Try tightening the immersion heater and add leak sealer to the primary system feeding the cylinder coil.
Regards S