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Immersion hot water pressure after draining for tap change

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:09 pm
by ShadesUK
I had to shut off the stop cock and drain the immersion by running the hot water in the kitchen in order to change the bathroom sink taps as there was no shut off valves to the taps or from the immersion. Ever since there has been reduced hot water pressure and it takes longer for the hot water to reach the taps. There is still pressure, the water runs, just not as fast as it used to do. The water does get to temperature out of the taps but takes about 30 seconds ish to do so. Does anyone have any ideas what maybe causing the issue??
Thanks in advance.

Re: Immersion hot water pressure after draining for tap change

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 10:34 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi shadesuk,
If all you have done is to operate the mains stopcock and replace the bathroom taps the most likely cause for the reduced flow is the taps themselves. Did you check the spec of the new taps? Eg minimum operating pressure and is the flow in the kitchen taps reduced?
Regards S

Re: Immersion hot water pressure after draining for tap change

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 11:30 pm
by ShadesUK
Hi Stoneyboy,
Thanks for your reply, the reduced pressure is on all of the taps, bathroom basin and bath, and kitchen. The bathroom basin taps are the only ones that were changed.

Re: Immersion hot water pressure after draining for tap change

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2022 10:38 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi shadesuk,
If you have a cold water tank fed system the most likely cause is an airlock but it may be that you have sucked debris from the bottom of the tank into the pipe work. Look in the tank to check.
Have you checked that the stopcock is fully open?
Regards S

Re: Immersion hot water pressure after draining for tap change

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 11:32 pm
by ShadesUK
Ok thanks, we do have a tank in the loft feeding the immersion, I'll check inside it. The stopcock is open fully and we do have high pressure on the cold water.