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Mixer tap water pressure totally gone on one tap

Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 11:02 am
by Tom917
Forgive me if I haven’t got all the language correct. I’ve recently moved into my house and there’s mixer taps (the waterfall kind). One day the water pressure on one of these taps went completely and the water is just dribbling out. Someone advised me to fit a new tap cartridge, which I have done. But there is no difference. Does anyone have any advice?

Re: Mixer tap water pressure totally gone on one tap

Posted: Sat May 07, 2022 9:20 am
by stoneyboy
Hi tom917,
Presumably you are not a mains fed system. If this is correct the most likely cause is an air lock and the easiest way to check is to use a wet vacuum cleaner on the tap to suck out the trapped air.
Regards S