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Waste replacement Belfast sink - side waste flex slightly different

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 2:14 pm
by paulfoel
Looks like the bit in the sink (plughole) is screwed into the bit below and this seems to have snapped completely.

No problem, I thought, got replacement from screwfix. Fits well - apart from a side waste flex pipe. Seems this one is slightly smaller diameter than the one thats currently there.

Of course, I could replace the entire flex pipe (but I cant get up behind the sink to do this) with the new one in the new kit.

The washer from the old fitting wont fit into the new waste and new washer wont fit around the old flex pipe.

Whats best plan here? Find a washer that fits or something like wrap with tape?

Re: Waste replacement Belfast sink - side waste flex slightly different

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2022 10:32 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi paulfoel,
Have a look at an overflow pipe adaptor they join 3/4" and 20mm pipes, you may be able to adapt this. If the pipe fits onto a spigot you could warm the pipe an use a jubilee clip to reduce the diameter. There are washing machine adaptors that fit on the waste but do lower the trap position.
Regards S