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Water in the Heating Water Tank Becoming Hot

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 8:00 pm
by stephenlp
I have conventional Heat Vent Boiler, with a Central Heating Pump and 3 Way valve

In the Attic I have a small cold water tank which feeds the central heating system 15mm, entering just before the Pump. Running in parallel with this is a 22mm pipe which vents back into the small cold water tank in the attic

My Problem is the water in the Small Cold Water tank is becoming hot, the vent tube isn’t submerged in the water, but I guess it’s either venting hot water or steam back into the small tank, which is in turn heating the water

Looking for suggestions

Thank you

Re: Water in the Heating Water Tank Becoming H

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 10:27 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi stephenlp,
If this has always been the situation it’s down to poor system design. If it’s a new occurrence have you increased the pump speed or fitted thermostatic valves, if not the system may be becoming sludge up.
Regards S