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28mm stove connection to thermal store

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 11:51 am
by bellarby
I am connecting a wood burning stove to my thermal store. The stove wil be be connected directly using 28mm copper pipe and will be gravity flow. Since its gravity, I want to reduce the pipe resistance. Therefore, I dont want to use 28mm elbows. I am struggling to find 28mm slow bends (compression). Can I use 28mm slow bends (solder type) with a stove? The only other option I can think of is to use a pipe bender but im struggling to get a 28mm pipe bender and one of the bends may be too tight. Any advice? (I tried to get hold of 45deg bends but no luck).


Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 8:22 pm
by marrtin
Solder fitting are suitable for any situation that uses hot water below boiling point.