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Irregular filling of water into toilet system

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:42 pm
by handymate
Hi. Hope someone maybe able to help me. I've have a problem with my toilet cistern not filling up consistently - it's a modern push down style flush mechanism positioned on the top of the cistern. The toilet was installed 2 years ago and has been fine until the last couple of months.

Sometimes it fully fills up with water ready to flush as it should (albeit it's taking longer to fill up than it used to). Othertimes it only half fills up or doesn't at all meaning you have to manually fill cistern up with water to kick start it again so the psuh down flush button works. It's weird and very frustrating!

Any ideas please?

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 4:50 pm
by bobplum
it can only be the inlet valve ,is the float mechanisim jamming on the cistern when it rises up,may be dirt in the piston or a number of small problems
id be inclined to change the inlet valve,if above not the problem,they dont cost alot and relatively easy to install