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Membranes and Water Based Woodworm Treatment

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 11:13 pm
by keredewor

First time on the forum, undertaking a full renovation of a 1900 terraced house, hope someone can help

Renewing the roof we are to use a Ruberoid Breathable membrane "Shieldlife" under Slate, prior to re-roofing we are to spray all timbers in the property with a water based Woodworm treatment through "Timberwise"

The question is simply will the chemical wood treatment works degrade the Ruberoid breathable membrane in any way, IMO if we apply the timber treatment first, let it dry and then re-roof it should be okay as the membrane is after all permeable and the chemical vapours will have dissipated

Anyone have any experience or knowledge of this issue please


roofing felt

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:54 pm
by welsh brickie
I know when using ordinary roofing felt (non breathable) the chemicals will melt the felt.
With the new breathable fabric its unaffected by chemicals. With it being bitumen or rubberised it may damage it.Why not use tyvek

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:38 pm
by Perry525
Tyvek is easily damaged by sunlight. If you leave it in the sun for too long, it becomes useless - although no one will know by looking.