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lifting row of slates at eaves to retro fit support tray

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:25 pm
by panza
I have recently removed the plasterboard off my vaulted single storey lean-to extension to install some insulation and have discovered that all of the rafters where supported on the wall plate at the eaves are damp.

Having done some investigation it looks like the felt has sagged at the eaves/facia board due to the lack of felt support.

To rectify the problem I am thinking of installing a plastic eaves support tray. Can anyone tell me how I would go about lifting the bottom row of eaves tiles to retro fit an eaves tray and also how I would fix them back down after.

The slates are fibre cement slates.


Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 4:38 pm
by stoneyboy
If you were replacing one slate this would be difficult enough but all the eaves ones this means that you will have to strip the roof.
Try using some rigid thin plastic sheeting and feeding this up underneath the tiles up to the first batten, if you can get it under the roofing felt so much the better.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:46 am
by bethesdaslate
Eaves trays can be fitted retrospectively with minimal repairs as follows:

1. Take one slate out of the second course approximately 1.3m from either end of the roof, then take out the two below it and the eave slates.
2. This will allow you to slide the eaves tray along the top of the fascia and under the felt all the way to the end. Pull the felt taught once the tray is in place.
3. In the opposite direction take out slates in similar fashion approximately every 2.6m, this will allow you to slide the trays in from both directions meeting or lapping in the middle.
4. When done you will only need to re-fix one slate every 2.6m without nails, there are hidden clips available for doing this such as 'Jenny Twins'.

Ps I have assumed the eaves trays be standard 1.5m lengths, it will help to 'round' the corners of the eaves trays first to prevent them snagging on the felt and rafters.
