modifying small kitchen roof in old cottage
Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 11:06 pm
I have taken down the ceiling in a small kitchen in a cottage bungalow with a view to opening up the void to create a feeling of space and to put a roof window in. The kitchen roof can best be descried as a ‘lean too affair’. The joists supporting the roof are 8 feet long by 2 ½ x 2 ¼ and there are 10 of them at 16 inch intervals. They angle up at about 30 degrees. They are supported by one long cross beam which sits on two other beams underneath running at right angles. The tiles are very new and are man made. My first impression is the joists are not thick enough and were obviously put in when the house was built (1895) . I would have preferred them to be 4 x 2. I am wondering if I put in another 8 joists ( 4 x 2) in between the others would this allow me to take out the cross beam and the other two beams sitting underneath?