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lean-to Roof Replacement or Fashing Options - Opinions Needed

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 4:07 pm
by jonny guitar
]Hi all,
roof 1 smll2.jpg
roof 2 smll2.jpg

This is a picture of a toilet lean-to on the back of our house. The roof has always had flash band as a seal, we had the left hand wall rendered last year leaving the roof in it’s current poor condition so it needs a re-roof.

I have several questions-

Should I just go about replacing all the slates or is there a better more modern approach Eg. plastic sheet, I should consider?

If I replace slates how should I approach the flashing issue?- I’ve never done lead flashing and am a bit worried about it being nicked. Are there any alternatives? (flashband again?)

I’m also a bit worried about the soil pipe being so close to the wall, what’s the best way of going about sealing/flashing this to a new roof? Would I have to get some sort of collar/ boot over the top of the pipe?

Lastly, has anyone got any idea how much a roofer would charge for doing this? (I’m near Cardiff)

Huge thanks for any replies, Jon

Re: lean-to Roof Replacement or Fashing Options - Opinions Needed

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 9:42 pm
by welsh brickie
to do a proper job the soilpipe needs to be removed and a lead slate installed, basically its a aluminium plate with a rubber seal that fits around the soilpipe snuggly, then with the pipe removed a cut in the render can be made with a diamond blade saw, then the lead flashing can be inserted in the gap and sealed to the roof, then reinstate the pipe