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Clout Nails Protruding Through Underside of Shed Roof

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 7:45 am
by Geospacial
Morning all,

I re-felted my pent roof shed yesterday. All went well until I went into the shed, looked up and saw that the clout nails had come through the roof by a couple of mill.

Is this a problem other than looking poor?

If it is, what should I do? Would brushing on liquid rubber over the clout nail heads work?

Any advice much appreciated.

Re: Clout Nails Protruding Through Underside of Shed Roof

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 11:40 pm
by Fabio195
I’ve just done the same thing with more than 100 nails! So did the roof leak? And if so what did you do? Thanks!