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Options for Replacing Very Shallow Pitch Roof

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:09 pm
by Nuuk
I have a very low pitch roof over the single story bit at the rear of my Victorian terraced house. It is currently tiled with clay tiles (standard) and needs replacing with something better.

I measure the pitch at around 11 degrees, and am a bit surprised that it hasn't leaked a lot more over the 20 years that I have been living under it. To make matters worse, it also faces the sea which is a few hundred metres away) so gets the worst of the weather.

As far as I can see (and I am not a builder or roofer) I have the following options:

Simply take off the existing tiles, put in new felt, and hope that I get another 20 years out of it.

Install a butyl liner under the existing tiles.

Go for special tiles or slates for low pitched roofs (most of which are only specified down to 12 degrees).

Use steel roofing sheets cut to length, ie no horizontal joins. I would use the type with anti-condensation coating. The type that looks like tiles wouldn't look too out of place.

I'm currently without an income until I get my OAP in a couple of months time, so rebuilding the extension to provide a steeper pitch is not an option, doubly so as it would mean re-siting my central-heating boiler.

So, can anybody offer me advice on which is my best option please? Or is 11 degrees to close to being a flat roof?

Re: Options for Replacing Very Shallow Pitch Roof

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 11:37 pm
by welsh brickie
you can buy tiles that are designed for this degree of pitch.

Re: Options for Replacing Very Shallow Pitch Roof

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 8:17 am
by Nuuk
Thanks, I found the Forticrete type, but that's nearly £500 just for the tiles.