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Gap Between Fascia and Wall Causing Leak in Roof

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 11:25 am
by Bugsyburton
I was wondering whether anyone could suggest a solution to a problem? Water has been leaking through the roof into the loft (wasp nest in same place presumably due to hole) and is now dropping through plaster board into hall below. Looking at the roof there appears to be a sizeable gap which is, when it rains heavily, letting water in.
What would be the best way to deal with this?
Would a sensible easy fix be a waterproof filling foam to block the gap?

Re: Gap Between Fascia and Wall Causing Leak in Roof

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 4:37 pm
by aleco135
it will be a bit fiddly, but firstly remove the moss and debris fro the area, take the section of gutter off, you will then need to get it dry, Cut a piece of flash band to lap about 100mm from the roof and cover the offending are of exposed wood behind the fascia. Apply some heat to the flash band with a hot air gun to make it stick. the use a gutter/ roof sealer around the edge to make it weather tight. Finally paint it with bitumen paint if you want it to blend in.
Hopefully that will sort it out for you.
Happy days.