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Velux Window Leak in Sandtoft Flat Roof

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 9:41 pm
by rf22095

Ive installed a velux window in a self build roof this weekend which has a flat sandtoft 20/20 concrete interlock tile.

Ive fitted the recommended flashing from Velux but ran some water over it and found a very slight drip in the one corner.

I think this is because when I cut the foam back on the flashing I tried to cut it as low as I could to try and get the tile covering the flashing as flat as possible. I can now see that the there is a cap between the foam and tile close to the headlap of the tile.

I was thinking of filling these gaps with expanding foam as a solution, will this last and does anyone have any experience of a similar problem?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Velux Window Leak in Sandtoft Flat Roof

Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 1:26 am
by Makie-
When you say you ran some water over it, what exactly did you do? Did you use a hose or did you pour it and if so in what way did you do either?