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Headlap on slates- am i about to make a fool of myself

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 4:37 pm
by arby
Good afternoon, I've just checked in on my builders using my security camera (haven't driven over to check as have been trying to limit all driving/movement), and seen the following attached pictures where to me, it doesn't appear there is any headlap at all on the slate tiles.
Is there something I'm not understanding? I've complained to the builders about a few things so am starting to doubt my own judgement here so would appreciate your thoughts!

Re: Headlap on slates- am i about to make a fool of myself

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 11:15 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi arby,
The minimum head lap should be around 50mm for standard slates on a 45 degree or more pitch.
Check this on your project and refer roofer to RIBA roof design and fixing guide,
Regards S.