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Rainwater running from fascia below valley

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:24 am
by Rogsea2020
Hi Everyone.
We had a side extension built last year. At the front of the house (south facing) they fitted a valley in the roof as the actual extension is recessed back and extension roof is approx 200mm lower than the original.
When it rains water runs from out of the join in the fascia directly beneath the roof valley.
It looks like the felt on the extension is tucked back in one small area at the bottom of the valley (see photo). Would this be causing the water to miss the gutter and run down behind it and behind the fascia instead? Could the plastic membrane beneath the felt also not be directing the water into the gutter correctly? Very difficult to access to view properly due to sloping tiled garage roof below.
There does not appear to be any water ingress in loft.
Any thoughts on what is causing this will be appreciated.

Re: Rainwater running from fascia below valley

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 9:25 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi rogsea2020
It is not possible to say what is wrong because we cannot see the construction under the vertical flashing. The only option is to lift the vertical flashing and see what has been missed.
Regards S