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Ceiling cracks appearing after having roof replaced

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:31 pm
by Dandiy
Wonder if anyone can help? Since having a roof replaced about 18 months ago hairline cracks have appeared in 2 bedrooms and landing area running along the full ceiling, and/or at right angles. The ceiling also seems to lift up from the wall in one room. Is this linked to the replaced roof and do I need a tradesmen to come look at this, should I be concerned?

Re: Ceiling cracks appearing after having roof replaced

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:34 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi dandiy
Depends on why you had the roof replaced. If it was leaking or did not have cross ventilation the ceiling movement may just be things drying out. Leave it for a while and see if it gets worse.