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New roof needed as mortar found in loft?

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 9:22 pm
by Wires99

Live in a 1930s semi, as far as I'm aware no work has ever been done on the roof.

There's an ever increasing amount of mortar in the loft space that is coming from between the slates on the roof. Obviously no felt in place.

Is this an issue that needs addressing? The house felt cold last winter and I'm beginning to think this a cause of that issue.

I'll be adding another post regarding insulation in the relevant forum.


Re: New roof needed as mortar found in loft?

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 10:13 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi wires99,
If you have actual slates there should not be any mortar involved. Sometimes if slates are starting to slip the battens are buttered up with mortar to keep them in place. A roof with no underslaters felt should not affect the house temperatures if sufficient loft insulation is in place.
Regards S