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tavatine tile problem

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:40 am
by gary29
Hi all i have just tiled a bathroom wall. bath was level and tiled up from there no problem tiles were 18 x 12 tavertine went up realy good then got to the top i have 1/4 inch at one end and a inch at the other end where the ceiling is out dont really want to put tile slithers in and they probably wont cut that small with out braking cant put coving over as will make horizontal lines look out cant leave it white will look odd any idears money tight and need to drill tiles whats the cheapest way to do this thank you :?:

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:09 am
by rosebery
See my answer on your duplicate thread.


Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:26 pm
by richardweals
Hi Gary
Just like to say hello to every one as i'm new to the forum.
Regarding your question about tiling you can either grout it up or put some tile trim to the top to try and loose the gap thats all you can do really hope that helps , i would suggest you next time you tile you should check the cieling levels don't assume there level .
So start from your heighest point and cut the tiles to suit the cieling line.
