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Leaking Around the Bath Due to Tiled Ledge at Each End and Re-Tiling

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 1:02 am
by charlie_DIY
I want to re-tile my bathroom. There is a shower into the bath, and currently the tiles on go up 40 cm from the top of the bath. The shower is supplied from the bath taps - a standard shower hose - not separately plumbed in

Also, in the bathroom there is a tiled ledge at each end of the bath to the wall. When the shower's on water runs down to the floor. The ledge is slightly higher than the bath, and at its end there is gap. I am not sure how best to solve the problem.

TL;DR 1. water runs down the end/corner of my bath, what should I do? 2. What's the best way to mount the riser rail - before or after tiling?

Re: Leaking Around the Bath Due to Tiled Ledge at Each End and Re-Tiling

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 8:07 pm
by welsh brickie
you can buy plastic quadrant beading, cut to size and seal it with silicone

Re: Leaking Around the Bath Due to Tiled Ledge at Each End and Re-Tiling

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 11:03 am
by charlie_DIY
Thanks, I'll google it! What about the shower? Should I tile around it?