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Cracked Grouting Issue in Newly Fitted Bathroom

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 3:39 pm
by djh82uk
Hi Guys,

Hope someone can offer some advice. We had a new bathroom fitted a few months ago and have had a number of small issues. The guy that did the work has stopped responding to messages and so we are left trying to sort this out.

The room previously had laminate flooring (on tops of wooden floorboards). We now have a tiles floor however the grouting has cracked around the edges. We have gone back over it and a week or two later it is cracked again. We have used flexible floor grouting.

I have attached a picture

How would you advise we resolve the issue?



Re: Cracked Grouting Issue in Newly Fitted Bathroom

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 4:19 pm
by Tall bloke
Is the floor a suspended one if on the ground floor? It sounds like the floor is moving too much for the flexible grout to cope with. It might be that the only real solution is to lift the tiles and put a good thick ply floor on top of the current wooden flooring. If that is too much you could always silicone around the edge of the floor over the cracks. This should only be a temporary fix but may be a cheap solution until whoever fitted the tile floor sorts the problem.