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plaster board coming off as i remove boarder tiles

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 12:08 pm
by stevo72
i have just started taking off boarder tiles in bathroom as i wish to replace them with another boarder, but the first couple of tiles have also taken off the plaster board behind it, is there a simple solution to this ?

i am drilling the tiles first weaken and then using chisel to remove , i really dont want to end up taking all the wall tiles off to have to re plaster board the bathroom that would be a nightmere !

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:00 pm
by kbrownie
Hi stevo72,
This is a sod of a job, it happens all the time on Dry-lined walls. Only help I can offer is to use a hammer and wide chisel, and chisel with care.
Best of Luck