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Timber Framed Garden Outbuilding Project Advice Needed

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 10:21 pm
by JudoTomo
Hi everyone,

I'm currently in the early stages of designing an outbuilding (6m x 3m timber framed and clad with pvc windows and door) for my garden. There is a small problem that the only place it can go is completely inaccessible for diggers or a concrete pump. So I have decided on a timber raised frame (the area is quite sloped, approx 1m drop from highest to lowest point) I'm just wondering if anyone has any experience with a similar project? I can find plenty of advice on the building itself but not too much on a timber frame for it. I will attach some pictures of what I plan to do when I shrink the file sizes.I will be building the frame from 150 x 47 PT with 100 x 100 posts quick mixed into the ground and using a cut down railway sleeper for the post in each corner. Can anyone see any issues with a timber frame of this size?

