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Woodworm in plywood

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:13 am
by dave&jo
I had some sheets of plywood (12mm) delivered on 07/02/08. The following day I noticed some holes which looked like woodworm holes. I took a piece back to the store, where they were very helpful. They confirmed that it was woodworm, but reassured me that this, was quite common in plywood sold, and would be ok as the beetle would have died in the process, and therefore, would not spread.

However, I still feel a bit uneasy about using this wood.
I would rather spend a lot of extra time and effort in undoing the work I have done, than there be any possibility of an investation of woodworm. It would be helful to be advised on this matter.


Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 11:37 am
by thedoctor
See our project on woodworm. The holes are emergence holes indication the worm has gone. It is unlikely after treatment that the eggs will remain but if in doubt scroll to the tools at the bottom and buy some 5 star wood preserver, this will do the trick. Doc