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Fixing a Airer

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 5:27 pm
by lucydiy
Please help I have bought a Airer which has two screw joists to screw into the ceiling which act as pulleys to pull the Airer up and down. However I have a plaster board ceiling and the ceiling joists are not in the position where I need to install the Airer.

Therefore the screw joist goes straight through the plaster board and I am unable to fix them securely to the ceiling. I am unable to glue them as the joists have a screw end!

Any ideas

Best Wishes


Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 5:31 pm
by thedoctor
See our project on fixing to plasterboard although an airer full of washing may require a little extra help. It should be possible to fix two lengths of timber up to your ceiling, across two, or more, joists, which you screw to the joists. The airer then screws to these timbers which can be decorated either to match the ceiling or the airer.

Fitting an airer.

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 12:11 pm
by Arnak

Another method would be :-

If you can get into the ceiling from the floor above, then fit the new supports where required between the joist where it will not be seen.
