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Fixing shelving to uneven stone walls

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 1:03 pm
by timboslice
Hi, first time posting on the forum but used it many times before to help. Let me know if I’ve done anything wrong posting anything, or if this question is answered elsewhere (I couldn’t find that it was).

I have a single skin garage which is built using stone (Bekstone Oolite Cream - Tumbled Finish). Whilst it looks nice the inside is very uneven making it difficult to fix shelving to it. As a side the stone is also fairly porus.

I’d ideally like to mount some twin slot shelves to the wall, but have had some trouble getting these to attach so they are level/not pointing off at an angle.

Part of the issue is that due to the uneven walls, there is often large gaps behind the vertical uprights, or bits sticking out that mean they don’t sit flat against the wall.

One thought I had was to mount some timber to the wall and perhaps use some CT1 or cement behind the timber to effectively provide a flat surface. The twin slot would then sit on the timber.

I guess there are other options including not using twin slot (although I think I’d still have similar problems), and perhaps even getting the wall rendered in some way, although the latter seems slightly overkill just to get some shelves up.

Just wondered if anyone had any experience with this kind of problem and any suggestions as you might go about it?

Re: Fixing shelving to uneven stone walls

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 10:34 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi timboslice.
Use fairly meaty battens, fix into the most sticky out block and then use packers under further fixings to make the batten vertical.
Regards S

Re: Fixing shelving to uneven stone walls

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 8:57 am
by timboslice
Thanks stoneboy, it’s good to know that what I was suggesting makes some sense.

Seems obvious, but the point about fixing to the most sticky out bit makes a lot of sense but not something I’d considered. Cheers