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Bolt Stuck in Brickwork

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2024 4:03 pm
by Nick17

I've taken a wrought-iron window grate (not sure if that's what it's called) off the wall at the front of my house to paint it and during this one of the heads of the bolts has come off entirely and the bolt is stuck in the wall. The bolt is about three or four inches long and I'm struggling to get pliers on it to screw it out of the brick. Has anyone got any tips to get it out? And if I fill the hole with mortar repair cement can I just redrill and screw in a replacement bolt?

Re: Bolt Stuck in Brickwork

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2024 10:13 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi nick17,
Use a masonry drill a bit larger than the bolt and drill directly above it to the full depth of the bolt. Using a punch drive the bolt into the new hole so you can remove it. Use anchorfix to fill the holes when you refit the grating but make this the last bolt you fit - it will only need pushing into the anchorfix but be quick you only get a few minutes before it sets rock hard.
Regards S

Re: Bolt Stuck in Brickwork

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 9:30 pm
by Nick17
Thanks very much!