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Do I Need to Solder Galvansied Cable Safely due to Fumes?

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 10:46 pm
by Nick33
I need to solder some 5mm galvanised wire cable into 5mm socketed fittings. I heard that this gives off dangerous fumes so should I wire-brush off the coating at the ends first or wear some sort of special mask?

Re: Do I Need to Solder Galvansied Cable Safely due to Fumes?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 7:10 am
by Sometimewoodworker
Nick33 wrote:I need to solder some 5mm galvanised wire cable into 5mm socketed fittings. I heard that this gives off dangerous fumes so should I wire-brush off the coating at the ends first or wear some sort of special mask?


Re: Do I Need to Solder Galvansied Cable Safely due to Fumes?

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 10:22 pm
by ericmark
When grinding or welding you can get what we call galv flue due to fumes, not sure hot enough with solder but the flux for lead free solder is also a problem, with a soldering iron and lead solder with care you should be OK, clearly trying not to breath in fumes.