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palnning refused

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 10:44 am
by shakie1973
Hi guys, 1st post.

I have had home improvments carried out on our home. While the work was been carried out i applied for planning permission for a conservitory with a 4 metre projection. The plans were submitted back in Feb. I was told that the lead time on applications was about 8-10 weeks. After hearing nothing for almost 3 month i contacted the local authority and was told my application had not been processed as they required a full frontal elevation.......even though obviously the conservitory was at the rear. They said they had not recieved the new elevation from my Surveyor. I contacted him and he assured me that he had re-submitted the plans the day after they requested them.............the truth is they had lost them. I then had to wait for the plans to go out to the neighbours (none of whome objected)
The planning oficer then came ot to view the proposed area 2 days before the application would have ran out, and their decision had to be made.
I have just been informed that they have refused permission, siting an unaceptable loss of amenity to the neighbouring property. I am really mad, as i felt due to them making a mess of things(i.e. the delays) they would have been more inclined to give permission. They didnt even try and make a comprimise, it was just refusal.
I was wondeing if there was anything i can do, i know i can appeal, but that takes 3 month. i was thinking mabe if i projected 3 metres, then took both sides across at 45 degrees for a further metre, or half metre, would this be allowed, as in theory i am only projectiong 3 metres straight out?

any advise guys????


Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:06 am
by kbrownie
You'll find that some planning officer are a little unhelpful during first application , now you should contact them and ask them what the solution is for PP to be given, after original application for some strange reason they start to be little more co-operative

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:49 pm
by holboob
you could look at reducing the ridge height as this is likely to be a problem with blocking out neighbours sunlight. you should be able to extend as far as you wish at single storey level as long as the pitch height is kept to a minimum.