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Double Glazing...Oops!

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:28 pm
by AllNancy
In 2004 a double glazing company installed windows, front and back doors and patio doors. They were a local company and I had problems during, they had to reinstall the patio doors, and since. ......major draughts.

Last month I discovered that I should have had planning permission. I didn't know and they didn't menttion it. Now I don't know what to do.

If I tell the council, could they demand everything is put back as it was which would be impossible and is the company in trouble or just me?

Re: Double Glazing...Oops!

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 8:45 pm
by AllNancy
[quote="AllNancy"]In 2004 a double glazing company installed windows, front and back doors and patio doors. They were a local company and I had problems during, they had to reinstall the patio doors, and since. ......major draughts.

Last month I discovered that I should have had planning permission. I didn't know and they didn't menttion it. Now I don't know what to do.

If I tell the council, could they demand everything is put back as it was which would be impossible and is the company in trouble or just me?[/quote]

Well I'm STILL freezing to death!

draft proofing windows.

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 5:43 pm
by Perry525
There is no reason why this should ever cause a problem.
Simply go round the windows and ascertain where the drafts are coming in.
Go to your local builders merchant or B&Q or similar, buy some low expansion polyurethane foam and some poly filler, use the foam for large gaps.
Then go round the frames with a burning candle, watch the flame to see if it moves sideways, where it does there will be another crack fill the cracks with poly filler.
As most double glazing installers are hopeless, then go to the outside and check under the window cills, I would bet that there are large gaps between the walls and the underneath of the plastic window cills.
You will be amazed when you discover how badly fitted double glazing is, on a nation wide basis.
You spend a fortune on expensive windows only to have the job spoilt by a couple of cowboys who cannot be bothered to fit the windows correctly.
Its not only in this country, the USA have the authorities pushing people to install windows correctly and the industry fighting back, not wanting to comply with the rules.