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Conservatory Planning Permission

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:47 pm
by neoned
Good Afternoon,

I am currently thinking of installing a 5 meter by 5 meter 'lean to' conservatory on the back of my attached house. I am concerned about planning permission as from what i have ready i am limited to 3 meters deep on an attached house and 4m deep for a detached house.

The houses either side of me and pretty much every house on our 8 house block have extensions have 2-3 metre deep extensions so im in the only house that doesn't have an sort of extension on the back.

Can someone please give me a bit of info regarding planning permission. If i get the ok from the neighbours which i recon i would as we all get on really well should i consider not getting permission at all and just going ahead?

Any feed back would be much apreciated.

Kind regards

Re: Conservatory Planning Permission

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:54 am
by welsh brickie
you will have to apply for planning permission,if you dont and someone objects you will have to remove it.It not worth risking it

Re: Conservatory Planning Permission

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:36 pm
by tony.g
As the extension projects more than 3m from the rear wall of the house, you strictly need to apply for planning permission.
However, the net effect of your extension would be that it would not project more than 3m beyond the neighbouring extensions. If the council found out, they could not legally require you to submit a planning application; the only sanction they would have is one of enforcement. The problem from their point of view is that govenrmnt guidance states that it is not appropriate to start enforcement proceedings for a 'minor or technical breach'.
Yours would have to be regarded as a technical breach, so in practice you would have nothing to worry about.

Re: Conservatory Planning Permission

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:24 pm
by jenniemiller1977
Found this, which I thought may be of use for you.