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Understairs toilet & sink building regs

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 3:03 pm
by acyates
Hello, my house already has an understairs loo. I want to add a sink for hygiene reasons but I am not sure if it will be okay because the gas inlet metal box thing, with the number of cubic metres of gas used on it, and the electricity consumer unit is in there too. There is less than 2 sqm of floor space. Could I get a sink? Was the toilet allowed in there in the first place? What about just a cold water tap?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:41 pm
by kbrownie
Hi acyates
Providing the work only involves installing additional fittings which does not involve extensions to the drainage pipework, you should be okay. You don't want to obstruct access to the meters. As to whether it should have been allowed in the first place depends when it was originally installed and what had to be done to install it. Give your local building controls a call, they are very helpful and will give you excelent guidence.
Hope info, helpful

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 2:01 am
by baldelectrician
If you live in Scotland, read on

From 1st May 2007 the regs changed again.

You require to comply with new regs regarding disabled access and showering faciliies if you alter. It may be better to leave as is.

Unfortunatley the same thing applies if there was no warrant applied for, even if the work has been done.

You require to comply to ther building regs on they day you submit you application, NOT the date the job was done.