Where do search engines look?
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Where do search engines look?

by ericmark » Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:50 pm

I have built a web site http://gw7mgw.freeiz.com/Coed-Nant-Gain/ffestiniog.html where because I am using java script most of the text is in the header not the body of the page. Will search engines find this text or will it be ignored.

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Re: Where do search engines look?

by ericmark » Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:36 am

Seems I may have just made a simple mistake. Tried moving the <body> to above Java Script and it seems to have not made a scrap of difference to how the page works. So now it's just a case of waiting and see if Google finds it.

Sam Gangee
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Re: Where do search engines look?

by Sam Gangee » Wed Oct 17, 2012 8:45 am

First they look at your robots.txt file.
Then they look at your sitemap.xml file.
Then at the index page TITLE
Then the index page DESCRIPTION
Then the body text.

Some may also look at the key words but most no longer bother.

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Re: Where do search engines look?

by ericmark » Sat Oct 20, 2012 9:45 am

Thank you I had not got a sitemap.xml now corrected. Don't need robots.txt as nothing really hidden. It seems things have moved on from when I first started with HTML back in mid 1990's I at that time cursed HTML so it was so slow compared with plain text I was using Packet Radio with a baud rate of 1200.

My internet pages were written as an easy way to transfer pictures to friends around the world as 7plus with radio was slow. Never really got into slow scan TV. So in early days I did not want or need my pages found. As I progressed I started on family tree but those pages have been up so long they have been found by search engines long ago.

Visiting a local wood to take photos I realised his existing pages were not showing off my work very well. It used a java script program giving a load of thumbnails and a single image enlarged. However in near every case it needed two images be it before - after, close-up - overview, or summer - winter. So I started working out how to use java script.

Next was links to other pages in the set. Here CSS came to rescue. I copied and modified a CSS from another web site and slowly learnt how to make it do what I wanted. Including putting grey background behind writing.

As the pages increased I found errors and corrected and I have now honed the page to what I want. Then the bomb shell. I realised the pages were not being listed in Google based on the content. Google it seemed found anything on the start slide as page opened including the pull down menu. However the text within the java script which changed with each pair of pictures was missed.

So I have come to the conclusion the start screen needs to have all the key words in somewhere. Coed Nant Gain the name of the wood found my site without a problem but Primeval heart of forest was missed as it was within the java script. Answer was to use Primeval heart of forest as a name in one of the links of the pull down menu.

Thank you for your help.

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Re: Where do search engines look?

by ericmark » Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:29 pm

Well now the site goes live at http://www.freetheforest.org/index.html and I have to sit back and watch. The owner of the site has a report monthly as to how many hits and the parent site is doing 3000 per month. I clearly will not at least in first year top that but I really do want a reasonable figure.

Any ideas are welcome.

All best Eric

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Re: Where do search engines look?

by Lee82 » Tue Apr 02, 2013 5:02 pm

You need to make sure your header is reserved for important information such as meta titles, page titles and meta descriptions. Your main content needs to be in your body tag.

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Re: Where do search engines look?

by SophieEvans » Wed Feb 11, 2015 7:17 am

Your Domain Looks like a Parked Domain.

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