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Pitfalls of building consevatory using an existing garden wall

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 6:28 pm
by piprees
Hi, I have a garden wall, 2m x 3.5m, running from the rear corner of the house to the garden gate, it then continues around the garden. Outside of this is an 18" gap then an access road to three properties so it's not a party wall. What are the pitfalls in incorporating this wall into a 10 sq m conservatory? I'm more than willing to knock the wall down and build one that would comply to new building regs. Any help would be gladly received.
Kind regards,

Re: Pitfalls of building consevatory using an existing garden wall

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 3:14 pm
by welsh brickie
you don't know the thickness of the foundation, damp is also an issue, and the frames may not sit square on the wall, get the conservatory base plan from your upvc provider and check the size