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Weird slash stain on high gloss units

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 6:49 pm
by natw1181
Woke up to find something had been slashed over my beautiful high gloss purple kitchen units! nobody knows who did it or what it is. Its sort of waxy, if scrapped off, it takes some colour with it. tried nail varnish remover, scourer, steam. nothing seems to make a difference.
You can see in the last photo and second photo - middle draw, where i used a scraper, and has taken sum colour off.
Anyone any ideas to what it could possibly be and how to remove it please ? thank you Natalie

Re: Weird slash stain on high gloss units

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 10:00 am
by stoneyboy
Hi natw1181
Looks like a paint brush has been partly cleaned and shaken out to remove excess paint residue. Unfortunately it looks like the splashes have etched into the finished surface. You could try your local car accessories shop and see if they sell any rubbing compound but it looks like you are into replacement doors.
Regards S