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White build up on pressure treated wood

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2021 11:16 am
by Bob2021
Hi all,
I've just got garden arches from B&Q and they are covered in lots of green and white marks/stains. After searching internet, i am coming to conclusion that the green marks are the result of a copper based treatment, but I cannot find any info about the white spots. I worry that it could be white mold forming on the surface which isn't ideal, as the arches weren't cheap and I would like them to last a long time, plus it looks bad.
My question is, if this is something normal (effect of pressure treatment), or not?
Thanks for any comments.

Re: White build up on pressure treated wood

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2021 9:47 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi bob2021,
The white salts appearing on the surface come from the chemicals used to treat the timber. If the arches are for outside rain should wash them off, eventually.
Regards S