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Pointing slate fronted listed building

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 8:27 pm
by clarkstv5
I live in a slate fronted listed building and in a number of places the cement has fallen out leaving gaps under the overlaying slates. In windy conditions this then tends to blow the slates off the house. Two questions, first how should I fill the gaps (on a vertical wall - having trouble stopping the new cenemnt from just falleing stright down)? Second how do I clean up the mess I've made on the slates from from my first attempt (someone has suggested brick acid - worried this might damage the slates)?


Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:51 pm
by welsh brickie
dont use sand and cement.Use clear silicone mastic.
To clear mortar stains use brick acid,this will not damage the slates.