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Little flying beetles- are they woodworm
Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:35 pm
by Mollie
I have little beetles 2 - 5 mm dark brown to black in colour, which fly around the house. They bore holes in the hard dog biscuits and get into my cupboards. Are they woodworm? How do I get rid of them. I'm going away for a few days and wondered if flea bombs would kill them while I'm away. Any advise :?
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:58 pm
by stoneyboy
Whatever they are you need to find where they are coming from. Have a look around all exposed timber and see if there a flight holes in any of it. Don't forget to move out any old wood cupboards and see if the backs are infested.
Little flying beetles
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:15 pm
by EHO65
These insects are almost certainly BISCUIT BEETLES, stegobium paniceum. they are part of the woodworm family. They are often found in out of date dried foods such as dog biscuits & human biscuits. They will bore all the way through a packet & just leave a small hole where they leave. The best control is to check all dried food stocks, especially the dog biscuits. Throw out anything which is infested. Clean all cupboards & shelves, as a method of searching for other insects, or proving that they are all gone. If you find a source, such as the dog biscuits, check the date. If in date, return to supplier.