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Fibrous Material In The Air - possible asbestos

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:55 pm
by amberspyglass
Hi there,

I wonder of anyone might be as kind as to try to please help with something? It is bothering me on and off and I have no idea who to ask. Anyway, some months ago I was standing at my son's school with my youngest son as well and some renovation was taking place. I was already worried about asbestos being disturbed in the school but had/have accepted that local authorities are careful and they had had it removed previously. Anyway, the guys started ripping bits off the exterior wall and lots of this largely fibrous stuff was floating into the air. I tried not to panic and assumed that it must be harmless otherwise they wouldn't have been doing that. Anyway, my mind keeps wandering, so if anyone has any hopefully reassuring ideas, I would be grateful of them!

Many Thanks

Re: Fibrous Material In The Air - possible asbestos

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 12:45 pm
by thedoctor
A polite letter to the school asking just this question should put your mind at rest.