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Renovating an old Stone Wall in Property and how to Level Render Length Ways

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 9:58 pm
by BullDogBen
Hello, I'm renovating an old house I bought and I'm doing most of the work myself. I've blocked up a fireplace and now it needs rendering ready for plastering.

I can't figure out how to level the wall length ways. I can level it up and down but how do I do it across?

What I mean is say the left end of the wall needs and inch of render but the right end needs 3 inches how do I tell?

Re: Renovating an old Stone Wall in Property and how to Level Render Length Ways

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 10:30 pm
by welsh brickie
apply a strip of render length ways, about 200mm wide,10mm thick and about 300mm from the ceiling, Use a straight length of timber and scrape the render till its straight. Fill in any dips and make sure its perfect.
Do the same at the bottom of the wall, but use the timber and a level, to make sure its plumb, check all along the wall making sure there are no bumps or dips. in the two strips you have applied.
Wait for it to set, then fill in the entire wall, with render. and use the timber vertically, in an up and down motion, to scrape off the excess, you should then have a nice straight wall