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Adding Garage personnel door

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 2:33 pm
by Boblogo
Hi all,

I am planning on adding a personal door to a external garage of single brick construction.

I am planning on putting the door in the wall shown on the photo. Current thinking is that I am going to fit a steel L section lintel to reduce the amount of bricks I have to take out.

My question is: I will only have 3 courses of bricks above the steel lintel and the wall supports the roof. Will I need to acrow and strong boy before removing the mortar for the lintel or should I just cross my fingers and hope none of the bricks fall in?

Re: Adding Garage personnel door

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2021 10:52 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi boblogo,
Suggest you prop the two rafters above the door opening - lengths of timber will do. Then cut out the mortar as you suggest - the worst that can happen is the bricks drop but the roof will still be supported.
Regards S