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ceilimg Joists

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:48 pm
by KevB
Hi folks
I am planning on fitting a floor in the attic ,i live in a typical victorian terraced house ,the usable floor area of the attic measures 4m x 5.8m i have a supporting wall in the centre so i will need joists of about two meters , to rest on the supporting wall ,on either side there is a wooden beam on one side it measures 110mm x 80mm on the other it is 175mm x 67mm (These beams run parallel withe the purlins at floor level) can i reinforce these beams or can i fit new beams in front of the old plus what dimensions woult they have to be , and how would i fix them to the wall (can i fit them to the existing beam.
Thank you in advance for your help