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Landing floor bowing under weight of water tank

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 1:09 pm
by sally21
Please help!
The floor directly under the water tank is sagging under the weight of a very large water tank. The house is only 5 years old. It doesn't appear to be affecting the lounge ceiling yet. Would we be able to tackle this ourselves or do we need professional help? Any advice would be most helpful.

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 7:11 pm
by rosebery
Yes you need to get it looked at firstly because it doesn't sound like a DIY job and secondly if the house is only 5 years old you should still have 5 years running of your NHBC guarantee.

You need to get the builder/developer along to look at it and ensure that they correct whetever fault there is professionally.
