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new turf issue

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:40 pm
by gjdicks
Can I lay new turf straight onto old turf or do I have to rotavate the old turf??

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:09 am
by bones
You should lift your old turf, rotavate the soil, level it and then lay the new turf.

Laying new turf onto old turf either (a) won't work or (b) you'll end up with a rubbish lawn again (!)

Depedning on the size of the existing lawn you can hire a turf cutter/lifter for about £30 a day which makes the job a hell of a lot easier

new turf

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:57 am
by hevjam1
Hi, I don't agree with the advice you've been given. Yes in a perfect world that's the way the job should happen but you can get away with laying the new turf straight down so long as you break up the existing turf. You can do this by hiring in a lawn Airator(not sure of spelling) which should be "slit tine". go over the existing lawn with this in every direction you can think of which will break up the turf enough for you to lay the new stuff. Well water the new lawn for at least 4wks (don't flood it though) and hey presto, you've got a new lawn. Treat any weeds that grow through with "Verdone" follow the instructions on the bottle.

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:05 pm
by bones
:( i stand corrected.....

i was always told that if the existing lawn was full of weeds you'd be better off lifting it and starting again......i'll know better for the future