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New Garden Lawn With Sleeper Edge

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 8:05 pm
by Blair7

Was looking for some advice on a little project I’ve just started. My original plan was to lift 8m x 5m of old slabs, install a sleeper border on all sides (laying on hardcore with rebar/bolt attached on underside and secured in a ditch of postcrete), and lay new turf down.
However, when I lifted the slabs I found that there was already, what looks like, an old brick/stone border and plastic sheeting underneath. (Attached pictures) I am now unsure if the turf would take and grow, probably not correct? Would you recommend I change plan and fit AstroTurf instead, would this be ok on a thin layer of soil levelled out above these bricks? I’m assuming I’d need to remove the plastic liner for both to ensure proper drainage?
Is there a specific way to fit AstroTurf and onto what?


Re: New Garden Lawn With Sleeper Edge

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:31 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi Blair7,
Which topping you use it's Best to lift the whole lot and form a new base..
Regards S.

Re: New Garden Lawn With Sleeper Edge

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:30 am
by Blair7
Thanks for the reply.

So you think it’s best to lift these old bricks then backfill? I take it I couldn’t just leave them and put AstroTurf down over them, a little bit more work than I imagined having to list them.

Re: New Garden Lawn With Sleeper Edge

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:53 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi Blair7.
From your pics it looks pretty uneven but if you can make it reasonably level (don't forget you need a slight domed top for drainage) you could then lay an underlay and then fit the artificial turf. With masonry under it all you will probably have trouble pinning it down.
Try your favoured option - with artificial turf you can always take it up and start again.
Regards S.