Adding Glass Blocks to a plasterboard internal wall
Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:12 am
To add more natural light to our hall, stairs and landing I am considering cutting a window sized hole in the "bathroom" plasterboard wall and adding a couple of rows of glass blocks.
My questions are:
1. How would you begin a project like this
2. I was hoping the glass blocks would end up flush with the plasterboard on both walls, but am told they are not as thick as this and therefore a small sill would be required.
3. Is there anything i should watch out for / be aware of before i begin this project?
Thanks all.
To add more natural light to our hall, stairs and landing I am considering cutting a window sized hole in the "bathroom" plasterboard wall and adding a couple of rows of glass blocks.
My questions are:
1. How would you begin a project like this
2. I was hoping the glass blocks would end up flush with the plasterboard on both walls, but am told they are not as thick as this and therefore a small sill would be required.
3. Is there anything i should watch out for / be aware of before i begin this project?
Thanks all.