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House has all stud walls - advice please

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 12:43 pm
by alison1971

I am in the process of buying a house.
I didn't actually notice at first, but after a survey and my builder had a look around, he said that every internal wall was a stud wall, that there was no supporting walls.
Is this normal?
Is it safe? etc

I haven't heard of this before. The house was built in the approx 1940's, so has managed to be stable up till now, but I just wanted some feedback please, from people who know.

Sorry if this post is in the wrong topic, I couldn't quite figure out where it was belonging.

Alison :)

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:14 am
by acsimpson
Without knowing exact constuction and size I'm not sure anyone could comment. But I have seen plenty of houses with no structural internal walls. All it needs is for the roof and any additional floors to be supported on the external walls and it would be fine.

I did live in one house where the external walls were non structural too. it was basically a steel frame with everything hung off it.

Your surveyor and builder may be the best people for advice as they have seen the house. If you're getting a mortgage you can be fairly sure they they wouldn't lend on it if the construction was questionable.

Finally I don't know what sort of deal you have with your surveyor but if it's later found to be unsound you may have some comeback on him.

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:50 am
by stoneyboy
It is very unlikely that a 40's house would have been built without interior masonry walls - they were included to keep the outer walls stable. I suspect they have all been removed by a previous ownwer. Before you commit to buy I would strongly recommend that you discuss the need for a full structural survey with your surveyor.

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 2:12 pm
by acsimpson
1940s and particularly the post war years saw a large amount of quick to erect prefabricated bungalows being built. While most of these have now crumbled or been removed there is still a significant number left. It may even have had a masonary cladding added to the outside for insulation purposes which would detract from the prefab appearance.

Chances are that if the property is this type a mortgage may be harder to get and property value will be affected accordingly.

Getting a structural engineers report would be good advice and may well be required by anyone considering lending on the property.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 7:47 am
by alison1971
Thanks for the replies. :D

I have had a structural survey done, and got the report back now.

Basically it appears that the 'structure' was questionable, even though there apparently are no solid walls internally.
It came back with the usual amount of expected findings on a house that is a repossession and of economical purchase price - so I am still proceeding with the buy as I can see a potential profit on it for the future and I have grabbed myself a decent builder to accomodate the jobs needed doing.
