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garden wall

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 1:12 pm
by Newbee
Hi there, I'm thinking of buiding a new drive which involves block walls, I haven't decided if it will be rustic block or rough cast finish.
The walls will have a of between height 600m and 1.2 mtrs , I will need to step the foundations from the street to the house as there a difference of about 300 to 400mm sloping back from the house. I will have to build a retaining wall paralel to the house so I can bring the level of the drive up, this wall will be about 400 - 600mm high. I probably raised more questions than can be answered but what I would like to get info about is the size of the foundations needed (concrete wise) as I helped a guy round the corner and we hand batched the concrete and was very tiring and was thinking of getting in ready made.

Thanks in advance

garden wall

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 11:10 pm
by monty_trace
You need to get the length of your wall and multiply it by the width by depth, concrete should be a min of 150mm-200mm thick

length x width x depth = cubic

hope this helps :)