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Double Brick Garden Wall and Advise to Repair one Side Only Please

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 11:14 am
by cora123
Hi, hope someone can advise please...

I own a terrace house and the boundary wall between mine and my neighbours is bowing slightly and several bricks have also gone missing from the end post. I am having a new freestanding post fitted to fit a fence panel and new single gate, so free of wall.

My issue is that the boundary garden wall is 50-50 responsibility but the landlord of the neighbouring property will not accept this and states his side is completely fine.

Several builders have all stated the full wall really needs renewing due to age, wear\tear.

I want to repair my side without touching his side, the wall is of double brick construction.

Any creative ideas on how this can be done please? Could my side be rebuilt, in theory, without his side as the 2 sides are built slightly apart? Call me stubborn but I dont see why I should pay for a new wall to benefit his investment!

Thank you, C

Re: Double Brick Garden Wall and Advise to Repair one Side Only Please

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 4:42 pm
by stuart45
How tall is the wall? A photo or 2 would help.